Look for Less, Look Semanal, Looks, Variedade, viagem
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A Day in Central Park + #ootd

After over one year we decided to go visit NYC and picked Central Park as our destination. Since the pandemic hit we haven’t been there and I was really surprised and happy to see that the city is starting to go back to normal. There is so much to do in the city and I was excited to take the kids to explore.

We went to our favorite sushi restaurant spot which is located on 81st street and 2nd avenue. And after that we went for a walk with the kids along Central Park and picked a nice spot in the picnic areas for the kids to run and play bubbles.

Depois de mais de um ano sem visitar Nova York, resolvemos pegar as crianças e ir dar umas voltas 🙂 Estava louca pra comer no meu restaurante japonês favorite que fica na rua 81 com a segunda avenida. Saindo de lá fomos caminhando para o Central Park. Passamos em frente o MET museu e fiquei surpresa e feliz de ver que as coisas estão voltando ao normal!

For my outfit I wanted something comfy, because I know that when I’m NYC we tend to walk a lot. It was cloudy and under 70’s so I wore black leggings, sneakers, an oversized Shein tee shirt , denim jacket and belt bag. I’m loving the style of tee shirts with bike shorts or leggings. For this Shein tee I went up one size and chose the medium. It was perfect! I love the lilac color for spring!

http://shein.top/kv7ml13 Search ID: 2182640

Para o look do dia escolhi uma roupa bem confortável, pois quando em NYC acabamos sempre andando muito! Escolhi essa camiseta Hawai super fofa da Shein. Peguei um número maior pra ficar com aquela pegada oversized e amei! Combinei com legging preta, tênis e jaqueta jeans amarrada na cintura. Esse dia estava bem fresquinho e nublado.

Also while we are talking about outfit, don’t forget to use my code PADONI for 15% off your entire purchase in Shein.

E já que estamos falando de look, não se esqueçam de usar o código PADONI em suas compras da Shein. Serve para o mundo todo e te da 15% de desconto em suas compras!

Loving tee shirt outfits with a belt bag!

Now tell me, what is one thing you haven’t done during the pandemic that you can’t wait to do it again?

Agora me contem, qual lugar você está louca pra ir agora que estamos voltando quase tudo ao normal aqui nos EUA?

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